
mixin S2.UI.Mixin.Shim

Class methods

  • adjustShim #

    S2.UI.Mixin.Shim.adjustShim() -> undefined

    Reposition the shim, copying the dimensions and offsets of the target element.

    Note that the S2.UI.Mixin.Shim mixin attempts to do this automatically by using IE6's proprietary CSS expressions. But because such expressions can sometimes fail to update promptly, calling this method yourself may be necessary.

    Once you've called adjustShim, the shim loses the ability to dynamically update its position on its own. Subsequently, you'll have to call adjustShim again each time you update the element's layout.

Instance methods

  • createShim #

    S2.UI.Mixin.Shim#createShim([element]) -> undefined
    • element (Element) – Optional element to shim. If omitted, will assume this.element.

    Create an IFRAME "shim" underneath the positioned element.

    Needed for IE6, which otherwise shows some UI controls (like SELECT boxes) above an element, regardless of its CSS z-index.

    Does nothing in other browsers.

  • destroyShim #

    S2.UI.Mixin.Shim#destroyShim() -> undefined

    Removes the shim.